Thursday, November 18, 2010

Womb (my own vagina monologue)

My vagina is a place in my chest.
The Womb Room
From within it
I am brimming,
Glowing with giving energy.
An out poor of love
dripping over my finger tips
until my once flowy attire
gives my means a more womanly end
by soaking and sticking to the curviest parts of my bends.

That's my first secret
A Woman
Disspite all my efforts to push myself into the realm of
Indipendant wild child
free as a bird loony loopy on grass
I am just a woman.
And inside that
Just an average little girl
with an all consuming need to care
and be cared for
to be really
CARE of.

That would be secret number two.
My biggest, and only real fear
Is no one will ever love me the way I need
the way I love the people I'm near.

High standards
Low inhibitions
High as a kite
Low voice
High libido
Low confidence
A para dime
spinning endlessly through my ages
scratching my history out onto pages.

This almost leads to secret three.
No matter my contradictions
this combat boot and paisley persona
is held semi sane and together by a code.
Keeping me woman
Leading me to love
Bringing me to give and keep playing and existing in joy
Listen closely
as the code will not be repeated and should probably be headed
if you feel my company is needed.

Anything not physically attached to you (and in the case of the kidney, or blood maybe still actually apart of you) can likely be of more use to someone else. unless it warms your heart when you hold or use this item- the joy it brings the recipient is worth the loss. Possessions foster possessiveness. Imagine the look on a stranger or friends face, when they find some thing they'd wanted or lost had been replaced.

Love- When there is someone to admire, respect, who you react to well, feel good about and around, and generally enjoy completely, there will never be enough to give. You'd deliver the world. Love is a prismatic poly-rhythmic being. pulsing and shimmering like hearts caught in its mists. hands held in cozy mitts, tender kisses on cheeks or lips or playing with more naughty bits silly lines as poetic as this
love weather platonic or passionate it's the

Play- music, games, jokes, tricks, with words and your food. If it cracks a smile and no (upset) tears are shed it's better let out!. fun matches the drapes, the counter tops and those shoes your wearing so keep at it! Moments of pure joy grow rare as more responsibilities are added to our lives. following bliss to other worlds, jungle gyms, or dance halls will keep your mind young and your heart alive. play tag with your inhibitions, catch them once in a while- and love them too, once you do.

Be- Remember, you're not your body, you're a spirit. So just EXISTS every now and again. your mind can only expand as far as you'll let it. realize that you are everything, and anything is yours.

Always Seek Outward- Find the truth and all it's limited answers. Push to the edges of the known in anything that interests you. There is a reason for everything, especially your curiosities and talents. The universe is ever expanding, follow suit!

Always Seek Inward- You are everything. the key to the world is much in you and it is in the stars. unlock the mind and the all will follow.

Believe- Knowing that everything is all else, you now know the truth of self- and can tap into that harmony and change the world simply, directly.

This whimsical moral sripture

these three secrets

have turned me from a girl to a woman

my simple childish vagina
into this intangible womb
a cacoon
transforming and enhancing the few who coax their way inside
no matter my heart
if all of this is true
then none of it matters

If all of this is true than none of it matters.

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